Our story begins on the Scace family farm, in West Pittsfield, MA during the 1930’s. Pigs , vegetables and soft fruits were raised to sell at the local markets in Berkshire County. As the tale goes one of the children picked some flowers to bring with the corn and raspberries and quickly sold them for more than the produce, and the idea for a flower farm was planted.
Flowers eventually became their main crop until the property was sold in the early 1980’s. Will, one of the grandchildren, began renting a piece of land from the Swann family in Stockbridge to continue growing for the wholesale markets, driving his truck to Boston and New York loaded with field grown flowers through the season. His distinctive plywood truck cap with Adagio painted on the side became a familiar sight on the roads. Originally an admonition, Adagio (“slow and easy” ) it evolved into the business name.
Through the years, as the popularity of organic field grown flowers has increased Will and his partner Cindy have added new annuals and perennials to lengthen the season and give interest to their bouquets and arrangements. From Tulips, Bachelor Buttons and Alliums in the spring, to Zinnias, Hydrangeas and Calendulas in the fall, the seasons are filled with a variety of blooms, picked at peak time, conditioned and delivered in water.
Hand planted, hand watered, hand weeded and hand picked our flowers are a labor of love and a continuation of the story that began on a small family farm so long ago.